Welcome to my Substack! While I will keep the blog posts in place on this site, moving forward, Substack will be my preferred method for sharing news, updates, ramblings, book reviews, scary stories, silly riddles, fun facts....and more! I am posting the first newsletter below, but please click here to access my Substack and subscribe!
Greetings! Welcome to my new platform on Substack. I have some exciting news and updates, and will start with the most exciting one first.
Drumroll, please…

I have an agent! This is truly a dream come true. I am represented by Jennifer Lyons of the Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency. Her roster of clients includes winners of the Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize, and National Book Award, among other honors (she also reps Sonia Manzano, who played Maria on Sesame Street!!). I am so grateful that she is taking a chance on a Nobody from Nowheresville with my YA horror novel. This book has been in the works for over three years. It has truly been a challenging labor of love, and I can’t wait for it to find a home and be unleashed upon the world!
In May, my story, The Tired Mom Smoothie, appeared in the anthology MOTHER KNOWS BEST from Black Spot Books. I joined an incredible list of authors. Rachel Harrison! Lee Murray! Gwendolyn Kiste! Lindy Ryan! Sooo many others! My piece received a special shoutout from the Midwest Book Review, which was a huge honor. You can find the anthology on Amazon or wherever you like to spend your book money!
My poem, The Giggling Granny, will appear in the summer issue of THE SIRENS CALL ezine! The poem is written from the perspective of a serial killer named Nannie Doss, who looked like a sweet grandmother and burst into laughter whenever she spoke about her crimes. It is a sneak peek of the poetry collection I am working on (and hope to complete by the end of the summer). The issue drops at the end of July! You can check it out here.
My short story, Let Burn the Unclean Thing, will be appearing in BEHIND THE SHADOWS II by Inkd Publications. I am so thrilled to be a part of this anthology! There is a kickstarter to raise funds for its publication. It would mean the world to me if you would consider donating!
In March, my family and I moved from Northern California to Brooklyn. We are so happy to be here, and I have been taking advantage of NYC’s wonderful author events! I was able to attend the book launch of CRAFT: STORIES I WROTE FOR THE DEVIL by Ananda Lima. This book has exploded onto the literary scene, and I highly recommend it! I also attended Riley Sager’s event for MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, where I was able to connect with Clay McLeod Chapman for a nice chat! His new novelette, STAY ON THE LINE, is absolutely terrifying. Up next is Stephen Graham Jones, in conversation with Grady Hendrix, to promote I WAS A TEENAGE SLASHER. I can’t wait!
Finally, keep your eyes on my TikTok and give me a follow. I have some fun things in store!
As a little treat for reading to the end of my newsletter, here’s a riddle for you:
The man who built it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t use it. The man who needs it doesn’t know he has it. What is it?
Answer: A coffin
Yours in Terror,
Brooke MacKenzie